New Moon in Aquarius & Chinese New Year. Februray 3rd.

New Moons are a time of fresh starts and new beginnings, and there will be a focus on the high-tech, intellectual, and humanitarian.

Perhaps now is the time to begin planning for the arrival of some new gadgetry, deciding on a new class to take in the spring, or beginning new work with a charity or other organization.

The Sun, the Moon, and Mars are in Aquarius, letting us be a little daring and step outside of our intellectual and humanitarian comfort zones.

Mercury will remain in Aquarius through the end of the month, making our journey to discover new things and ideas exciting. Be sure to check which house in your chart is highlighted with this New Moon, as this will be your focus of change.

The New Moon in Aquarius also aligned with Chiron (within a degree), so there will be an element of spiritual and soulful healing; perhaps that which you are driven to investigate or those you choose to help will help heal some of your past hurts. Now is a powerful time of change and rejuvenation.

This New Moon in Aquarius occurs on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at 9:31 pm EST (Thursday, February 3 at 2:31 GMT).

It will be good to make wishes in matters (in our lives) related to Aquarius, like maybe being more friendly or humanitarian, being more original and inventive, being more honest, being more detached or unemotional about things (like people and situations) that don’t or shouldn’t matter, being more willing to fight for freedom, etc.

This is also signals the start of the Chinese Year of the Metal Rabbit.

Since this is a Metal year, those people born in an Earth year will generally fare better than others, while those born in a Wood year are likely to do worse. It’s also slightly negative for those born in a Fire year and mildly positive for Water-sign people. Those born in a Metal year will be in their element and will do well if their animal sign is compatible with the Rabbit.

The Metal Rabbit is not the cuddly, little soft ball of fur you see in the pet store. Metal gives this bunny a competitive, aggressive side. It is cold, sometimes insensitive. The Metal Rabbit is the most unlike the other five breeds of this sign. So there will be some confusion from time to time in 2011. What will predominate at any given moment, the gentle Rabbit or steely Metal?

The Rabbit should give most of us an opportunity to pause and catch our breath after a hectic 2010. It’s a time for peacemakers to shine. But it will have a metallic edge to it. From time to time, aggressiveness will suddenly materialize and disrupt the peace. For those who revel in a slow pace, however, it promises to be a most enjoyable time.

The year of the Metal Rabbit promises to bring some much-needed peace and tranquility. If you are like most people, you probably feel like you were on a roller coaster in 2010, the year of the Tiger. That will generally not be the case in 2011, as the Rabbit is everything the Tiger is not.

“Let there be peace — and let it begin with me” is the Rabbit motto. The Tiger makes waves, but the Rabbit mends fences. Diplomacy reigns. If you want to improve your chances of success, negotiate and cooperate rather than force your ideas on others. It’s also a time to kiss and make up. Forgive and forget. Let’s all get along. Make love not war. If last year the emphasis was on excitement, it’s now is on harmony.

The Rabbit is also very much about good taste and refinement. That said, self-indulgence is another Rabbit theme. By all means go to the theater, spend time at the spa and patronize those great restaurants you love. On the other hand, be careful about not overdoing it. And you can bet the Rabbit will put lots of temptation in front of you.

This is especially true if you belong to the Rabbit’s group, that is, if your sign is Rabbit, Sheep or Pig. These, however, are the people most likely to have a great year. If you are one of these signs, make an extra effort to follow your dreams, seize opportunities, and enjoy the moment. Other signs with excellent prospects this year include the Ox, Tiger, Snake, and Dog. Those that might want to hold back a bit include the Rat, Horse, Monkey, and Rooster.

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