day 18

Back on track now.

Changed from easy breath to Sun piercing breath.

Easy breath is too boring! takes sooo long. I moved through it rapidly and was soon doing the hold for 20 seconds. This wasn’t any strain, just boring. So I changed it.

Sun piercing breath feels strong. You hold the anal contraction whilst inhaling through the right nostril, holding for 5 seconds then exhaling through the left. It is difficult to exhale whilst holding the anal contraction.

Feels nice to get back to the regularity of 4 times a day breathing.

Went for a run this morning. Feel strong and fit. My fitness levels have been steadily growing, from lots of swimming and running and mountain climbing in Greece, also high altitude cycling in switzerland. Finished with a strong sprint. The last time I went for a run, about 3 days ago, on my return leg I fell into a very comfortable stride. It felt like I got into some hitherto unheard of running zone. I have never felt so relaxed whilst gliding along at a fair clip.

Started taking some good quality multi vitamins and minerals recently and these seem to be having a positive effect. Have been sleeping much less, 5 – 6 hours a night, without any impaired functionality; usually need 8 -1 0 hours.

Today got some phospholipids and flexseed oil, also some zinc. Been reading Patrick Holfords Nutritional bible and decided to aim for optimal nutrition.

I do feel the Pranayama has an amazing effect on my overall being. It is subtle, yet undoubtable. All areas of life get adjusted and tweaked. Bad moods and negative thought loops seem to be a thing of the past.

I have stopped eating sugar and am craving super foods, such as beet root, watercress, mackeral and salmon.

I think my love life is also contributing to my general sense of well being. Mantak Chia techniques really open up a whole new world.

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