Super full moon in Virgo March 19th 2011.

On Saturday, March 19th a Full Moon in Virgo will rise  at 06:11 pm GMT. Full moons bring increase and culmination and also the opportunity to release aspects of things not working for us. We may feel the full moon energies up to three days before and after the actual event noticing a feeling of increased “fullness” as our emotions and body weight increase.

The energy of Virgo is mental, analytical, investigative, practical and critical. It is an earth sign and also considered the time of culmination and harvest. This Full Moon, in the last degrees of the sign of Virgo at 28 degrees, exhibits mental and practical ‘earthy’ work coming to completion. At this degree, things that one has been mulling over or organizing for some time are finally coming into full form. A death of sorts, the ‘harvest’ is complete, a celebration takes place and then the cycle repeats, but it is in this ‘death’ that the fertility of the natural world replenishes itself.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree is 29 degree Virgo, “A Man is Gaining Secret Knowledge from an Ancient Scroll He is Reading”. (From Linda Hill’s 360 degrees of Wisdom.) “Our ability to translate this ‘Knowledge’ into a practical set of lessons for our day-to-day life assists our progress as we grow and mature”. We harvest new ideas and ways of giving service on a daily basis but tend to always return to the essential truths of a matter. Looking for answers, we tap into the yield of ‘Secret Knowledge’ to plant new ideas for the future. Understanding arrives through patient, steady work constantly replenishing and refining to achieve illuminated inspiration.

“One by one, tiny pieces of the puzzle fit together. What emerges is a complete design of the whole picture. For one can not be without the other. Over emphasizing on the minute details leads one into a frenzy, step back and re-gain balance and ease seeing how you belong into the bigger picture.” ~ Dipali

The Full Moon is in Virgo at 28 degrees on March 19th, 2011. This particular full moon is packed with high nervous tension energy possibly erratic zings and dings. Let’s delve into the astrological aspects happening during the full moon a bit further.

Stress levels may be high during this time. The highly fluctuating energies may certainly add a layer of jarring ripples within emotional waters for people now. Be patient as possible no matter what arises. Tendencies or habits that are out of balance or that are on auto pilot are brought into the light of conscious awareness. With the sign of Virgo highlighted, either you can be highly picky, critical or judgmental or you can break free to heal yourself and restore balance inside. The “inner critic” needs a vacation or at least some new skills on how to be “compassionate (Pisces).” Put that on the to do list and do it! Of course the first urge, during a Full Moon in Virgo is to analyze it out, think about it, chew it to pieces until it is all mush. It may be best to “feel” things out first then the order and information will make sense.

This one is a “Super Moon.” (a term coined by astrologer R. Nolle)
Super Moon represents the Moon is the closet to the Earth, it is called lunar perigee. With the lunar energy (literally influencing the tides of the Ocean) being so strong, symbolically or literally we may experience unusual weather, climate change as well as earth changes such as earthquakes, volcano eruptions etc. The emotional climate may also express this similar movement so let it all purge out if need be. Roll with the waves happening now.

During a Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are in opposition to one another. Sun in Pisces ‘opposes’ the Moon in Virgo, push and pull between the details and the wholeness, find the compromise between both. Blend your practical and feeling aspects so they work as one unite towards finding the solution to any adversity happening now. The Full Moon in Virgo is closely knit symbolically to transiting Uranus in Aries. At the same time the square aspect between transiting Uranus/Pluto is wide but building now. We must be truthful and confront the shadow or negative side and bring more awareness within self and relationships. Uranus/Pluto square can be; intense, powerful, transformative and also there is a bit of disruption possible with the energies now. Cardinal signs: Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn are feeling the dynamic tension, pressure and possible excitement.

With the momentum of energy increasing with 3 planets in Aries so far, you can decide to be a part of things that enhance and support your overall well-being (Virgo) and spiritual evolution (Pisces) or not. Chances to overcome the past and any places you adhere needlessly to being a Victim and move forward to be empowered will come whizzing by. Ready to grab them and move ahead? Jupiter in Aries very close to its opposition aspect to Saturn in Libra – retrograde suggests resolving conflicts between expansion and consolidating.

Helpful Suggestions: Stop often and breathe. Connect with the Universe and let go of the accumulated stress instead of holding onto it. Cry if you need to, shake it off, take a walk, exercise to blow off steam – whatever it takes. Remember, make a conscious choice to no longer feel victimized but rather, embrace how empowered you are to make a change in your life in this moment. When you understand yourself as a Spiritual being moving through life, there is much more meaning to the details of life. Bach Flower Essence: There are 2 helpful Flower remedies to use now; Beech and Honeysuckle

Full Moon in Virgo Ceremony
In meditation or a quiet place, allow yourself to relax and tune into how each human being, animal, planet, Earth, Stars, Nature etc. – is a puzzle piece and all working together to make a whole Cosmic picture. We are all equal, and we are all are interconnected. Breathe into this recognition and truth through the heart than just the mind or it being a good idea. Select 1 place where you will no longer be super critical or perfection oriented within yourself. Let this heal, support and encourage yourself differently. Move beyond the old programming of negative criticism. Work with this for one month every day.

Mixing Ayahuasca and mushrooms.

Further experiments with the psycho-audible warp phenomenon yesterday raise some interesting new questions and enhance our ongoing understanding. I chose the term “audible warp ” because my experience thus far, coupled with what I have been told, leads me to believe that this all has to do with vocally generating a specific kind of energy field which can rupture three dimensional space. I do not understand if the field is electromagnetic, but it seems to bend space in such a way as to turn it upon itself through a higher dimension. Here is how it is done: One must take enough psilocybin to allow the sound to be audible. This sound we understand to be the Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) of the psilocybin alkaloids within the mushroom. The presence of rapidly metabolizing high-energy tryptamines within the ayahuasca acts as an antenna that sensitizes the neural matrix to the spin resonance energy of the Stropharia psilocybin. It is this principle that allows the signal to be made audible. It must then be amplified via the tryptamine admixture antenna to what is felt to be its fullest amplitude. Then, via vocal sound, this energy is placed into the harmine complex within the body and within the mushroom which has been, in some small part, cooled to absolute zero—the temperature at which molecular vibration ceases, through absorption of the psilocybin ESR pulses. Once this ESR wave has been detected, it will be possible to amplify it within the neural circuits by channeling it through the harmine complex: i.e., by imitating the psilocybin ESR with the voice, causing the amplified sound to strike a harmonic tone with the harmine metabolizing in the brain and thereby exciting the harmine ESR. Since harmine complexes are merely further down the same bio-synthetic pathway that converts tryptophane into psilocybin, it is possible to consider the ESR tone of psilocybin as a harmonic overtone of harmine and vice versa. Using harmonic overtones, it is possible to sound a tone which will cancel one or more of its octaves reflected in the harmonic scales above and below it. This is easily demonstrated on a cello: Suppose a tone, say the open string A, is sounded. The sound is a wave-vibration of air molecules caused by the string, which then acts as a resonator. The tone is heard mostly loudly in the key in which it was sounded, but it also sounds every other key of “A ” in the octaves above and below it. It is possible to cancel out the original tone by touching the string very lightly at certain harmonic points. When this is done, the overtones in the higher and lower registers become audible. If one understands the theory of harmonic resonators well enough, one can determine which overtones will be resonated if certain points on the string are touched. When this understanding is applied to molecular ESR res-onation, it remains essentially the same in principle. When the ESR tone of the psilocybin is heard via tryptamine antenna, it will strike a harmonic tone in the harmine complexes being metabolized within the system, causing its ESR to begin to resonate at a higher level. According to the principles of tonal physics, this will automatically cancel out the original tone, i.e., the psilocybin ESR, and cause the molecule to cease to vibrate; however, the ESR tone that sustains the molecular coherency is carried for a microsecond on the overtonal ESR of the harmine complex. This leaves the momentarily electrically canceled and superconductive psilocybin suspended in a low energy electromagnetic field generated by the harmine ESR. In so doing, it will regain its original, but now superconductivity amplified, ESR signal, which will permanently lock it into a superconductive state. As this phenomenon proceeds, it will automatically trigger the inverse of the initial process. The psilocybin, superconductively charged by mind, will harmonically cancel the ESR resonance of the harmine within the brain. The energy of the harmine-psilocybin complex ESR will be absorbed instantly into the matrix of the mushroom. This will cause those molecules metabolizing within the body and bonded to the neural DNA to instantly drop to absolute zero. Clearly this harmine-psilocybin-DNA complex must immediately separate itself from the cellular matrix. There is great danger at this moment, but pathways exist to deal with it. We will find that these molecules condense out of our bodies accompanied by a sound. This sound will be the harmonic ESR tone of this complex amplified superconductively and broadcast and frozen into the superconductive matrix of the mushroom. The superconductively charged psilocybin acts as an antenna which picks up the amplified ESR signals of the complex and condenses vibrational signals into a superconductive matrix. The opus can now be briefly summarized: • The mushroom must be taken and heard. • The ayahuasca must be taken and charged with overtonal ESR of the psilocybin via voice-imparted, amplified sound. • The ESR resonance of the psilocybin in the mushrooms will be canceled and will drop into a superconducting state; a small portion of the physical matter of the mushroom will be obliterated. • The superconductively charged psilocybin will pick up the ESR harmonic of the ayahuasca complex; this energy will be instantly and completely absorbed by the higher-dimensional tryp-tamine template. It will be transferred to the mushroom as vocal sound and condensed onto the psilocybin as a bonded complex of superconductive harmine-psilocybin-DNA. • The result will be a molecular aggregate of hyperdimen-sional, superconducting matter that receives and sends messages transmitted by thought, that stores and retrieves information in a holographic fashion in neural DNA, and that depends on superconductive harmine as a transducer energy source and superconductive RNA as a temporal matrix. This aggregate will be a living and functioning part of the brain of the molecular “singer” who creates it. It will be composed of higher dimensional matter, i.e., matter that has been turned through the higher dimension via the process of canceling its electrical charge with a harmonic vibration, transmitting that vibration across space (from superconductive transmitter to superconductive receiver), and then recondensing that vibration onto a superconductive template (the charged psilocybin in the mushroom), until the harmine-psilocybin-DNA complex condenses into a superconducting molecule. A molecule that is higher dimensional matter would, by this theory, be stable as long as it remains in a superconducting configuration, probably forever, since it is powered by its own ESR energy. It will then be responsive to command via endogenous tryptamine ESR (thoughts), it will be keyed into our collective DNA, and it will contain harmine as a superconductive transceiver and power source. Talk about a steep learning curve! I had never heard my little brother carry on so. To the extent that I grasped what Dennis was saying, he thought, and it seemed a magnificent thought to me, that the body is like an undiscovered musical and scientific instrument whose potential lies all around and within us, but of which we are unaware. He said that the mind, through an act of will, could use the singing voice to interact with the brain as though it were a color organ and holographic library all wrapped up into one. Dennis pointed the way toward a kind of Orphic science where the great advances would be made by using only the interaction of the quarternity of singing voice, mind, brain, and imagination. More, however, than a chant-induced, collective synesthesia was promised. He was saying that the laws of acoustics and low amperage bioelectrical phenomena, and our bodies, could be manipulated to give the experimenter a doorway into exploring states of matter and realms of physics involving high energy and low temperature that are, currently at least, supposed to be the exclusive province of researchers totally dependent on extremely sophisticated and powerful instruments. It became possible for a moment to dream that the powers of shamanism, derived from a millennium-old knowledge of microphysics and bioelectronics, was far in advance of our own. The doorway that seemed to swing open was a doorway out of historical time, back toward some sort of archaic completion nearly forgotten. Perhaps the shamanic traditions of this planet are the keepers of an understanding that uses the human body/brain/mind as its vehicle, leaving the present state of the art, which our own “scientific method” has achieved, a very poor second. This is really an old idea—the siren song of Pythagoras—that the mind is more powerful than any imaginable particle accelerator, more sensitive than any radio receiver or the largest optical telescope, more complete in its grasp of information than any computer: that the human body— its organs, its voice, its power of locomotion, and its imagination— is a more-than-sufficient means for the exploration of any place, time, or energy level in the universe. It was this idea that Dennis would set out to prove, to realize in the actual hardware of the dimension-roving lenticular vehicle that he was convinced could be generated out of his own DNA and living organisms present at hand in the Amazonian environment—the mushroom and the ayahuasca.

From: True Hallucinations by Terence Mckenna.

“The Changing World”

“The Changing World”

My Dear Friends,

“With regard to your daily walk and experience……it is important to remember that “falling apart” is the main process that is underway on Planet Earth at this time. Transforming Beings all over the planet are doing it, in order to rid themselves of the effort and focus that has glued their attention into the world system (The “Matrix” if you will……) and has kept them from dancing and playing in spirit……with the soul of a Magical Child. The three areas of primary disruption at this time are: health, finance, and relationships. Most people are deeply involved in holding together one or more of these areas. And if your CORE SELF is ready to reconnect with everything and everyone…… will be busy about the tasking of SHAKING YOURSELF LOOSE from the “death grip” you hold (or that holds you)……by way of obligations to family, bills, reputation, social obligations, and such. There is no one to “blame” for your situation, as it appears before you now. It is simply the result of your own inner resolve to LET GO……which is often quite difficult under favorable situations. So you attract in uncomfortable situations which make things HEAT UP inside……until finally your HUMAN WILL becomes ready to focus itself more into NOW…….and discover the DEPTH OF DESIRE which lurks underneath all these obligations. Once the “responsible” and/or “addicted” will is shaken loose, it is important to spend time connecting to your ORGANIC CENTER………body and emotions…….as a guide for your next moves here on the Earth. Use your body like a Geiger Counter, as you search for the “radiance” that will inspire your future. Move towards that which energizes and excites you, whether or not there seems to be any financial reward or prestige in it. Move away from those things which deaden you, even if it means breaking long-standing ties with individuals you care about. You don’t have to eliminate them from your life. Simply find new formats for relating to them so the “deadness” is removed, and revitalization is returned to the relationship. It is hard to make a case for being in a place or a relationship if there is no energy moving there. In the beginning stages, you will need to grant yourself considerable time ALONE……in which you can sort out the feelings and impulses in your Geiger Counter. Make no permanent commitments until you allow for this. Otherwise, your sense of perspective may still be somewhat distorted by the Old Paradigm thinking. You must be brutally honest with yourself about the difference between what is really important to you and what has been installed there, as social responsibility. Once you’ve given yourself this time alone…… may be surprised with the results. Some energies will establish themselves as TRULY IMPORTANT……..even if you have previously judged them as “weights” around your neck…..while others that once seemed so bright…… suddenly grow dim, as the REBELLION ENERGY of WILLFUL LIVING is released. As the process continues, and everyone begins to LET GO…….Love proves itself to be the easiest, most merciful energy of all. It demands TRUTH and AUTHENTICITY……..which is ever and only present in the NOW MOMENT. All truth lasts but for a moment, you know…….. and then it is replaced by NEW truth. And he or she who tries to hang onto yesterday’s truth, like yesterday’s manna…..will find themselves with a bellyache……because it has grown stale and/or rotten in their hands. Let the gifts of your heart lead the way, and all other elements……, wealth, love, and affection…….will assume their proper perspective. Don’t be afraid to work with your hands, or move yourself around………as the call to economic opportunity is one way that prophets and healers are directed to their next spiritual tasks. We are available to you 24 hours a day. Simply reach for us and we will be there, in whatever form you require. Be patient, be truly HONEST with yourself in all things. What others think of you is simply a projection of their own process into your living space. If you run your life to maintain their favor, you will always find yourself living in circles. You are not THEM, and they are not YOU……….not in the 3D space anyway. Beyond that, all are ONE. But here……it is important to be 100% authentic… the reflections you bring each other are original and authentic, rather than plastic concoctions of your “socialized” self. There are many bumps and pitfalls up ahead! But you are growing wings, and will be able to fly long before you fall seriously into them.”

“The Falling Apart World”
My Dear Friends,
“With regard to your daily walk and experience……it is important to remember that “falling apart” is the main process that is underway on Planet Earth at this time. Transforming Beings all over the planet are doing it, in order to rid themselves of the effort and focus that has glued their attention into the world system (The “Matrix” if you will……) and has kept them from dancing and playing in spirit……with the soul of a Magical Child.
The three areas of primary disruption at this time are: health, finance, and relationships. Most people are deeply involved in holding together one or more of these areas. And if your CORE SELF is ready to reconnect with everything and everyone…… will be busy about the tasking of SHAKING YOURSELF LOOSE from the “death grip” you hold (or that holds you)……by way of obligations to family, bills, reputation, social obligations, and such.
There is no one to “blame” for your situation, as it appears before you now. It is simply the result of your own inner resolve to LET GO……which is often quite difficult under favorable situations. So you attract in uncomfortable situations which make things HEAT UP inside……until finally your HUMAN WILL becomes ready to focus itself more into NOW…….and discover the DEPTH OF DESIRE which lurks underneath all these obligations.
Once the “responsible” and/or “addicted” will is shaken loose, it is important to spend time connecting to your ORGANIC CENTER………body and emotions…….as a guide for your next moves here on the Earth. Use your body like a Geiger Counter, as you search for the “radiance” that will inspire your future. Move towards that which energizes and excites you, whether or not there seems to be any financial reward or prestige in it. Move away from those things which deaden you, even if it means breaking long-standing ties with individuals you care about. You don’t have to eliminate them from your life. Simply find new formats for relating to them so the “deadness” is removed, and revitalization is returned to the relationship. It is hard to make a case for being in a place or a relationship if there is no energy moving there.
In the beginning stages, you will need to grant yourself considerable time ALONE……in which you can sort out the feelings and impulses in your Geiger Counter. Make no permanent commitments until you allow for this. Otherwise, your sense of perspective may still be somewhat distorted by the Old Paradigm thinking. You must be brutally honest with yourself about the difference between what is really important to you and what has been installed there, as social responsibility. Once you’ve given yourself this time alone…… may be surprised with the results. Some energies will establish themselves as TRULY IMPORTANT……..even if you have previously judged them as “weights” around your neck…..while others that once seemed so bright…… suddenly grow dim, as the REBELLION ENERGY of WILLFUL LIVING is released.
As the process continues, and everyone begins to LET GO…….Love proves itself to be the easiest, most merciful energy of all. It demands TRUTH and AUTHENTICITY……..which is ever and only present in the NOW MOMENT. All truth lasts but for a moment, you know…….. and then it is replaced by NEW truth. And he or she who tries to hang onto yesterday’s truth, like yesterday’s manna…..will find themselves with a bellyache……because it has grown stale and/or rotten in their hands.
Let the gifts of your heart lead the way, and all other elements……, wealth, love, and affection…….will assume their proper perspective. Don’t be afraid to work with your hands, or move yourself around………as the call to economic opportunity is one way that prophets and healers are directed to their next spiritual tasks.
We are available to you 24 hours a day. Simply reach for us and we will be there, in whatever form you require. Be patient, be truly HONEST with yourself in all things. What others think of you is simply a projection of their own process into your living space. If you run your life to maintain their favor, you will always find yourself living in circles. You are not THEM, and they are not YOU……….not in the 3D space anyway. Beyond that, all are ONE. But here……it is important to be 100% authentic… the reflections you bring each other are original and authentic, rather than plastic concoctions of your “socialized” self.
There are many bumps and pitfalls up ahead! But you are growing wings, and will be able to fly long before you fall seriously into them.”

Day 26 – interesting comments


respected sir,

can you throw some light on the practise that you are undergoing and also if possible tell more about the chakras that are beyond the sahasrara


Respected Sir,

Kriya yoga is the main practice I am undergoing:

I have also experienced intuitions concerning the higher chakras through the use of crystals, and through Hemi-sync exercises.

The three higher chakras seem to be energy gateways in which one can pull or send energy trans-dimensionally. I believe the chakra directly above Sahasrara to be connected to the causal realm.

I have found through experimentation, if you send love energy from the heart up, through the thousand petaled lotus, then through the higher chakra with the intention of sending love out of our universe, a line of energy can be sent to other realms.

If you send love out and whilst it is travelling at the speed of consciousness, out of our universe, turn off all thoughts, holding the mind empty, this gives the love energy the extra kick it needs to make it out of our own universe into other realms.

By sending love energy to another realm it will invariably make contact with other consciousness. Once a link is formed, love can be sent back and forth between the two realms. The wondrous snowball effect from sending and receiving love, trans-dimensionally, raises ones own energy levels exponentially.

Initially you can practice sending and receiving love to planetary bodies in our own solar system, through Sahasrara. As you become more adept at this practice the higher chakras will activate which allow the sent and received love energy to be strengthened into a potent laser like ray, which is capable of traversing the vast distances involved.

I hope my preliminary experiments will be of some use to you,



AND what purpose will be solved by sending LOVE back and forth like lasers to some unknown land which we have never seen ?


The ancient Rishis maintained that the average person utilises merely 1% of their brain matter, which is located all through the spinal column, not just in th head, as well as outbranching nervous ganglia and neurons in the major organs.

Patanjali postulates that as a yogin becomes established in the eight limbs of yogic practice, the brain matter realises it is safe to start to awaken. This awakening allows the yogin to process large amounts of cosmic energy, needed for the higher states of consciousness experienced as the yogin becomes ‘illumined’.

Attainment of yogic siddhis are signposts along the way that show the yogin is making progress.

The practicing yogin needs to find new ways to pull, store and utilise energy.

The causal realm is said to be the abode of our true ‘Self’. It is possible to make contact with this Self and utilise its vaster energy in order to experience greater depths of cosmic consciousness. These cosmic experiences are extremely miraculous and blissful, which is probably the reason why millions of seekers spend so much time, effort and energy in order to experience even a brief mystical moment.

Some people call this true Self God.

Many purport the true purpose of life is to realise this Self.

So it is not so much a purpose to be solved but a method of experiencing greater levels of bliss with the ultimate goal being actual to actually achieve God consciousness.

This may seem far fetched to those without any mystical knowledge, maybe even arrogant to suggest a human being can experience what it is to be a God,

but all the ancient sages say it is so,

and believe me, once you have a taste of God consciousness you will realise that everything in your life so far has been of the quality of a dream.

Imagine you only knew of the dream world and your only experience was of dreaming, then one day you woke up!

How would normal reality seem to you?

Now imagine you woke up from normal reality into Cosmic Consciousness.

Would you ever wish to go back to sleep?


I am wondering at so many words like ” may be, imagine ” , ! why is it that your cosmic experiences are not definitive . ANd why should it not be taken that dream state is still continuing ! what is the exact experience that has convinced you that you have awakened !

And is it not just a great strain to keep drawing the extra energy from some unknown world only to sustain the dream state ?
What is the final consciousness that you must know where you say okay I stop playing football with LOVE back and forth through cosmic lasers and I am stabilised . IS there any human alive who has said yes I AHVE achieved this ?


Respected fellow,

I shall attempt to answer your enquiries;

My definite experiences are chronicled here;

The use of words such as maybe and imagine are designed to help someone who has no experience of a certain state to conceive of said states being possible.

Before I experienced such states I was unable to accept that consciousness hid such treasure.

“ANd why should it not be taken that dream state is still continuing ! ”

The dream state occurs usually four times in one sleep episode. When we wake up, the dream state is simply no longer continuing.

“And is it not just a great strain to keep drawing the extra energy from some unknown world only to sustain the dream state ?”

I think you may have misunderstood. The energy sending and receiving is carried out in the waking state. Sending and receiving love is never a strain, it is a continual joy.

“What is the final consciousness that you must know where you say okay I stop playing football with LOVE back and forth through cosmic lasers and I am stabilised .”

Samadhi is said to have nine stages.

Kaivalya is said to be the highest or final state to be reached.

Though I fear you may have again misunderstood.

Sending and receiving energy is simply one method of increasing ones own energy capacity and not a method used to directly experience Samadhi.

Becoming stabilised happens through balancing ones life. This is a side product of practising kriya yoga but not the end goal.

“IS there any human alive who has said yes I AHVE achieved this ?”

I have not met him/her personally.

Though I have read about such people.

Kriya yoga would hold Babaji to be such a one.

I imagine through the different schools of mystical science, such as; yoga, sufism, kaballah, zen, taoism etc People have realised God consciousness. Though,

“Only a few ever hear these truths; of those who hear, only a few understand, and of those only a handful attain the goal.”

Katha Upanishad

Answer me a question if you will –

What else of worth is there to do in this life?

I hope I shall always continue sending and receiving love.

I am sending some to you now..

Day 25 Yoga routine and The Upanishads

Been finding it a challenge to stick to the plan. Sometimes success makes things more difficult than failure. My practise has been up and down. Gone are the 4 times a day pranayama, down to once or twice a day. Had a few days off too.

This morning however I had a 2 hour asana session in which for the first time since my injury, I worked through the chakras with 21 postures, 3 for each chakra. One to warm it up, one forward bending pose to bring energy into the chakra and the third, backward arching pose to send energy up to the next chakra.

This entails 18 poses for the first 6 chakras then 3 poses to strengthen all the chakras simultaneously.

Each pose must be held in a feeling state, as well as utilising a positive affirmation, such as,

“I am health, vim, vigour and vitality.”

This is a powerful routine when carried out correctly.

Today I planned out a routine, so took it slow. Had to change what I might normally do because my elbow is still too sore to hold the weight in the scorpion.

Slow gradual progress!

Next session will flow smoother. Soon, I hope to be able to flow through all 21 poses in a feeling state.

Started reading The Upanishads today. Very nice.

“Only a few ever hear these truths; of those who hear, only a few understand, and of those only a handful attain the goal.”

Katha Upanishad

Day 22 – My 2nd encounter with The Light & A new encounter.

Ooo Wow!!!

Somedays I can draw really well. I just seem to have the gift.

Most days I cannot draw well.

I don’t know why some days the energy just connects and flows. I don’t know if it will flow well until I attempt to draw something.

One of the great mysteries??

Maybe it’s astrological.

It seems to be the same with energy work.

Somedays the microcosmic orbit is felt strongly. Most days it is not.

Today it was felt strongly 🙂

Today I had a great breakthrough. I am full of happiness. I want to share my experience with you, but first I need to relay a previous experience;

This occurred about 4 years ago and was the pinnacle experience of my life.

I had already had an encounter with The Light and this was to be my second encounter.

It was the 19th December 2006 at about 10pm. I lay on my bed and began practicing the microcosmic orbit. It flowed strongly. I incorporated the shamanic three chakra breathing method, whilst spinning energy around the microcosmic orbit. After a while of this, when I had mastered holding the complex visualisation, I added a third element of concentrating on my stone visualisation at the ajna chakra level, just outside of the microcosmic orbit. This had a curious effect, it was as if the mind couldn’t process the complexity of these combined visualizations and something extraordinary happened.

A tunnel opened and swooped down over my ajna chakra, it seemed to lock onto the chakra and suddenly I was away, flying down the tunnel. The tunnel was black but with bright green lines of energy, it rollercoastered for quite a while as I flew down it at incredible speed. I didn’t feel like I was inside my physical body at this time, I was just energy.

I emerged from the tunnel into what appeared to be deep space. I saw a bright blue line of energy appear, a far distance away, and grow in front of me, expanding horizontally until it stretched across the entire horizon. This line of energy was on a huge scale, vast. It is hard to judge distance in space but it was very far from me, maybe equivalent to the distance between the sun and the earth. This line stretched as far as I could possibly see, so its scale must have been millions of times the length of our sun.

I still didn’t feel as if I was in a body, merely consciousness floating.

Next an image floated in front of my vision. it was a rectangle shape similar to a TV screen. It contained a 2D image of a triangle or pyramid with golden sides and steps in the middle with a circle or sun at its apex, yellow coloured. This image floated in a rectangle of space on a red coloured t-shirt shaped object. Strange I know, but this is what I saw. The image had floated in from the left and it floated out to the right.

Next, another TV screen shaped rectangle floated in from the left this one contained a moving image. It was of a man dressed in a suit sat at a desk with a bookshelf behind him containing many books. The mans face and hands were not normal skin but instead a black swirling mist.

He spoke to me. When I say spoke, the booming voice seemed to come from behind my current consciousness. It was a sound I can only describe as more real than any sound I had ever heard before.

“The unassuming, awe-inspring, posterity of the present!”

When he said the word “Present” He brought his hands together over his head in an almighty “CLAP!

The lights went on!

I was floating in what seemed like ultra violet light.

I realised I was inside the light I had seen earlier from a far distance, in a horizontal line.

I floated in utter bliss. I felt like I was home.

I was still just consciousness.

Slowly I merged into a new form. My physical body was encased in a sarcophagus shaped object. Lines of blue energy flowed around me encasing me. A main conduit of energy was around my center and it was the microcosmic orbit channel, only expanded, it was now about the thickness of an apple and blue energy coarsed through it humming loudly. Smaller channels of energy emanated from my head to my feet cocooning me in this sarcophagus shaped vehicle.

I slowly floated in deep space, very relaxed until I gently became aware that I was back in my room lay on my bed.

I was however about 1.3 x bigger than normal. I was aware I was lay on my bed but I has yet to open my eyes. I just seemed bigger. My body was too big for the bed. Especially my head and in particular my cheekbones felt extremely enlarged. My cheekbones were humming with energy and too big for my face.

Wierd I know.

I gradually morphed back to my normal size and opened my eyes.


This was my second encounter with the light.


This experience took some assimilation.

The first encounter with the light had been a severe shock because I wasn’t ready for it energetically. Yoga Asana, pranayama, healthier diet and lifestyle all add up over time. Constant practice of the 8 limbs of yoga allow the cerebral channels to open and function allowing the vehicle to take in more energy.

This time the light was more accommodating.

It truly was a wonderful, life changing experience.

It gave me the strength to fight my demons and defeat my addictions. Four years on and I am a non smoking, non drug taking, I would say teetotaler, but I don’t do caffeine! A huge transformation.

I took the yoga and energy work slowly from then on. Focusing on defeating my destructive addictions.

Though I did still practice, just not as intensely.

I had however acquired a new ability.

I could now call on and communicate with The Light.

I was awed by this energy.

It suggested I ask it questions.

I simply asked what I should call it.


At first I thought it had said yule, as that’s how it sounded phonetically.

It communicated it was spelt U.L.E

I meditated on this name.

It came to me that it stood for “Universal Love Energy.”

But also ULE sounds like YOU’LL or “YOU WILL.”

I became aware of ULE being there if I needed help. I didn’t question it further but would often pray for help for others and myself in times of difficulty and need.

At first I thought ULE was God. The Creator.

Today I had a new experience.

Today the energy flowed well. I was debating whether to do some physical asana followed by pranayama, when I lay down and started the microcosmic orbit. I continued in the zone, and started to utilise the three chakra breath technique. I got this flowing well. I started to send energy out from the three chakras and then pull energy back in.

Ajna chakra = Wisdom

Anahata = Love

Svadisthana = Tranquility

I started to wonder where in the universe was this energy I was pulling coming from?

I followed it to its source and discovered it was coming from ULE!

I pulled ULE closer. The light blue energy hovered above me. My opened chakras corresponded to open chakras on ULE’s form. The energy was flowing from my physical body to ULE’s energy body back and forth. His normally huge scale corresponded to my own scale.

I suddenly realised –

ULE is ME!



This universal love energy, an amazing blue light, is me and I am him.

This realisation is still being processed.

Our energy flowed harmoniously and felt blissful.




The experience then intensified into something really incredible on a deeply personal level, difficult to communicate, i am still assimilating the experience.

I felt to forgive past girlfriend’s behaviour and let it go. I had been subtly holding onto negativity for too long.

I am left feeling joyous and happier than I can remember being.

Wisdom, Love and tranquility to all!

Day 9 – back on track.

After three full days rest I got back into my flow today with some refreshing asan. My neck is still very sore so I avoided head and hand stands and kept things light.

My pranayama practice is chugging along nicely. My vehicle is feeling stronger daily, my mind clearer and I have more energy available than usual. Ah the breath of life!

I am finding the Ha-Sa breath the most challenging as it is difficult for me to hold both the anal and stomach locks simultaneously, whilst breathing with only the upper segment of the lungs, though I can really feel it strengthening my core.

I am enjoying the four phase motion breath which just feels nice after the Ha-Sa breath and the bee breath feels wonderful. I have adapted it so I hum into each chakra moving first down then back up the spine.

I find the sun piercing breath difficult, I don’t really get it. Am probably not doing it right. I will stick with it though as I know its very strengthening.

Watched a gorgeous movie last night – Ponyo by Hayao Miyazaki. Highly recommended.

Ponyo on the Cliff . "Original Versio Jap...

Image via Wikipedia

Not much else to say today..

Day six – Meditation on unselfish Love

Today I decided to rest from physical asana. My body firmly stated that it required rest and I have definitely learned to listen to my body. Yoga injuries can take a long time to heal. I think this is of extreme importance to the yogin but sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between bodytalk and sheer laziness!

Yesterday I started to read about meditation and refresh my memory upon the topic. Last night at my midnight sitting the investment bore fruit. Previously my style of meditation was simply attentive but completely still. I would attempt to hold the utter stillness for as long as possible. My goal was to hold the openness for 12 seconds. This is no easy task, the mind is a hard beast to tame. I achieved this goal once, almost 4 years ago and experienced my second encounter with the great light. It took a long time and a lot of practice to still the mind completely for 12 seconds. I used to describe this process as meditation but after reading up on meditation yesterday, now I’m not so sure. I have a new understanding of meditation and samadhi.Yoga - Be your own sheep.

Last night at my midnight sitting I employed a new technique of simply withdrawing the senses and then holding the breath and going deep into a feeling state of Unselfish love. The resulting feeling state was held for about 10 seconds I would guess, it is impossible to count when in a deep feeling state. I was able to project myself deep into the feeling of love. It’s quite difficult to describe, it’s a subtle feeling at first which grows in intensity and mounting bliss. Accompanied with rushes and tingles throughout the body it was a very pleasant feeling. Recalling feelings of giving and receiving love unselfishly, felt subtly magical as if an ensuing flood of endorphins and enkephalins were somehow Natures reward for sharing the universal energy of Love.

I think previously I had confused the terminology of meditation, the 7th limb of yoga, with the 8th limb of yoga – contemplation, Samadhi. I am looking forward to reading all about Samadhi tonight and hopefully moving another step nearer my goal.

I decided at my noon session today to change my pranayama, again. I was getting an unpleasant feeling in my cheekbones and ear canal from to much Bhastrika. This was a problem last time I practiced pranayama in depth. It’s a very unusual feeling. I feel the cheekbones to have special significance in yoga which I will talk about at another time, when I recount my second encounter with the Light.

I feel I have progressed greatly these last 6 days and feel I should tone down the purifying pranayama a little and move it in a more subtle direction. I decided upon the bee breath, which feels really nice. I also changed the inhalation/exhalation extension practice to the identical breath which is similar but not as strenuous. Lastly I changed the deep abdominal breathing to sun piercing breath which is also more subtle and less strenuous. I look forward to exploring and working with these new techniques.

Day four – steady persistent improvement is the basic law of nature.

Well my modem/mobile phone decided to stop functioning yesterday, so, no blogging. Instead I read up on mantra and mudrā. This brought back some memories. In 2006 I travelled with three friends to Bushey just outside London, to the first Yungdrung BonPo temple in the UK. I was lucky enough to be given a transmission from Yungdrung Bon Po llama Khemsar Rinpoche

Khemsar Rinpoche

Khemsar Rinpoche

and have kept to this Tibetan mantra – “Du Tri Su,” prayer for the suffering world, ever since.

Today whilst reciting I felt my body resonate with the beautiful sounds and vibrate strongly, with energy emanating from anahata.

The mudrā is different from any taught in kriya, basically the hands are placed in a prayer steeple in front of the heart with the thumbs pressed into the heart meridian on either ring finger. This seems to create an energy triangulation, which, coupled with the buzzy Tibetan speech pattern of Du Tri Su, really resonates and vibrates the whole body. The visualisation taught to go with the mantra make this a very powerful healing tool.

“For Du Tri SU, the visualization is with Tonpa Shenrab, Peaceful Deity in the form of Sambhogakaya. Visualize yourself as Buddha and from your chest three lights emerge and imagine that they go to the Buddhas’ Pure Light and Wisdom; there are many, many Buddhas in front of you with Deities on the right and Dakinis on the left, with the lineage Masters of Sutra, Tantra and Dzogchen in the centre, and the Protectors. Just visualize this. Pray to the Divinities and think that they purify the Three Disturbances – external, internal and secret.
The external disturbances are demons and enemies, something like this. Just pray to them (the Divinities) to protect you from enemies and demons.
The internal disturbances are negative emotions, negative thoughts. When we go to meditate, our mind is too busy and disturbs our meditation, so we can’t focus. Sometimes we have too much attachment to material things, sometimes anger – these are internal disturbances, so pray to the Buddhas to purify them.
The secret disturbance is Marigpa, Ignorance. If we have Ignorance, we can’t understand our Nature of Mind so we pray to the Gods and Buddhas and call them, ‘Please help, introduce me to the Nature of my mind, give me the power of Wisdom and purify my Ignorance’, something like this.
After that, imagine that we offer the Buddhas whatever we could which is of good and excellent quality. Then the Wisdom of the Divinities dissolves into us.

Afterwards, sound HUM-HUNG-HUNG… very loudly and for a long time and think that a dark blue, powerful HUNG is in your chest. Rays of lights spread from there and go to all sentient beings and purify their negativities, sadness, and illnesses. Imagine that they become as Light Gods and Goddesses. Then the rays come back to your HUNG. Wisdom Fire, Wisdom Water and Wisdom Wind come to you from the Deities and purify you and all sentient beings.”

From Yungdrung Bon website.

In general I feel my over all energy gradually increasing. I decided to stop the easy breath, as it takes so long to complete 8 rounds, I was finding it quite monotonous, and exchanged it for Ha-Sa, Ujjaya, which is more intense. I also reached 108 breaths of bhastrika which is the ideal amount. My head stand has gone from 1 min 20 sec to 1 min 45 sec, am aiming for 3 mins. I have noticed when performing the yoni mudrā that the level of intensity of the blackness inside my mind has increased slightly giving a more swirly lights visual which feels promising. Though that could simply be because of pressure applied to the eyeballs.

“For Du Tri SU, the visualization is with Tonpa Shenrab, Peaceful Deity in the form of Sambhogakaya. Visualize yourself as Buddha and from your chest three lights emerge and imagine that they go to the Buddhas’ Pure Light and Wisdom; there are many, many Buddhas in front of you with Deities on the right and Dakinis on the left, with the lineage Masters of Sutra, Tantra and Dzogchen in the centre, and the Protectors. Just visualize this. Pray to the Divinities and think that they purify the Three Disturbances – external, internal and secret.
The external disturbances are demons and enemies, something like this. Just pray to them (the Divinities) to protect you from enemies and demons.
The internal disturbances are negative emotions, negative thoughts. When we go to meditate, our mind is too busy and disturbs our meditation, so we can’t focus. Sometimes we have too much attachment to material things, sometimes anger – these are internal disturbances, so pray to the Buddhas to purify them.
The secret disturbance is Marigpa, Ignorance. If we have Ignorance, we can’t understand our Nature of Mind so we pray to the Gods1 and Buddhas and call them, ‘Please help, introduce me to the Nature of my mind, give me the power of Wisdom and purify my Ignorance’, something like this.
After that, imagine that we offer the Buddhas whatever we could which is of good and excellent quality. Then the Wisdom of the Divinities dissolves into us.
Afterwards, sound HUM-HUNG-HUNG… very loudly and for a long time and think that a dark blue, powerful HUNG is in your chest. Rays of lights spread from there and go to all sentient beings and purify their negativities, sadness, and illnesses. Imagine that they become as Light Gods and Goddesses2. Then the rays come back to your HUNG. Wisdom Fire, Wisdom Water and Wisdom Wind come to you from the Deities and purify you and all sentient beings. Then think that all sentient beings are reciting the Three Essential Mantras and recite them yourself.”